Wednesday, June 13, 2018

   But My Word   
  Week 2  
Sound the Trumpet   

   You know the various "communications" God used to wear Pharaoh down. When the Israelites survived the final plague, saved by the blood of lambs and goats, God followed up by parting the waters.

   Later, at Mount Sinai, He began issuing commandments.

   In Exodus 19, God sent thunder and lightning with a thick cloud over the mountain. He added, a very loud trumpet blast. 

   Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. ...the whole mountain trembled violently and the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder. 

   Everyone in the camp trembled. 

   You would think "everyone" would obey every commandment the rest of their lives, fearing the terror of the Lord. They did promise to obey, twice in Exodus 24, but when something looks desireable and pleasing to the eye, we are not inclined to obey. 

   God was introducing the idea of forgiveness, and the means - sacrificial blood. After completing his instructions, the Lord said:

   Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God (Exodus 29).

   Generations later, the Lord explained his coming withdrawal:

   They have chosen their own ways. When I called, no one answered; when I spoke, no one listened (Isaiah 66:3-4). 

Friday: The Angel of the Lord


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