Friday, June 1, 2018

But My Word...   

   Who said that? What about it?

   Today we preview for you a new series, a laborious endeavor for me because our topic - communications - is not in a concordance. Our focus is on how God used many forms of communication over 15 centuries to roll out the story that ends with our - each of us - salvation or condemnation.

   We think that understanding his methods enriches our confidence in his Word, his Truth and our relationship with him. Of course, it is the Holy Spirit that does this for us - not me. He inspired all Scripture that we freely receive. 

   Most of my working career involved sharing information in some form or another. I'm still interested in the topic - and here we are with the most glorious information, far above earthly knowledge. 

   What if there is an Eternal God? How might He impart knowledge and reveal himself to us in our natural, temporary realm on earth? 

   We begin at the beginning. And God said... Let there be...

   This pattern repeated several times in Genesis chapter 1, revealing that God created matter and substance - out of nothing! By his Word. 

   Evolutionists have no such communication to inform them.

   As for another major, world faith, one man wrote his book, claiming he was instructed by an angel. No one else was there in the cave. Where is the corroboration? Where is the testimony of two or more witnesses? 

   Well, think that over, and come back Monday for the awesome war in heaven, and conversations involving God, the first people and a sly serpent.
   We plan to "communicate" this series on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays over the next five weeks. 


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