Sunday, December 19, 2021

The kingdom breaks into this world...

When you are in conflict with someone, but seek reconciliation and forgiveness.

When you give sacrificially to someone hungry or homeless.

When an addict is willing to stop hiding, seek help and partner with God.

When a workaholic parent decides to love and care for the children.

Every time you love, include, encourage, speak truth, serve the poor.

The kingdom of God broke into this world 

when Jesus was born and laid in a manger.

From that tiny beachhead grew a toehold in Jerusalem.

Then it spread to Judea, Samaria, Athens and Rome.

On to England, to underground churches in China, to inner-city Detroit.

Maybe one day a beachhead formed in your life.

It doesn't matter if you don't fully understand.

Someone from the other side has come.

He wants to keep breaking into this world, through you.

He will even live within you, if you permit.

   These are the final words in John Ortberg's book, 


   We hope you enjoyed our selections from the book.



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