Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Questions for the Season

1. How many generations from Abraham to David, from David to the exile in Babylon, and from the exile to the Messiah? (all the same number)

10   14   17   20

2. Who prophesied, The virgin will be with child...'God with us?' 

Matthew   Isaiah   David   Ezekiel 

3. When King Herod asked the priests where the Messiah was to be born, who did they quote?

Daniel   Micah   Zechariah   Jeremiah   

4. Which of these gifts did the wise men not present to the child?

incense   honey   gold   myrrh

5. Where did Mary and Joseph take the baby to escape Herod's threat?

Edom   Egypt   Eden   Ekron

6. Joseph was from the line of...

Daniel   David   Dorcus   Darius

7. Angels brought good news to...

Sadducees   shepherds   saints   servants

8. On the 8th day, in the temple, Simeon, moved by the Holy Spirit, took the baby in his arms and prayed... a light for revelation to the...

shepherds   Gentiles   priests   kings

and for glory to your people...

Ishmael   Israel   Bethlehem   Nazareth    


If you chose the second answer every time, perfect!


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