Friday, December 10, 2021

Isaiah Called Him Immanuel 

Mary Named Him Jesus

Who's right?

   In the 1600s Paul Gerhardt wrote a Christmas hymn:

Immanuel, to Thee we sing, 

Thou Prince of life, almighty King;

That Thou, expected ages past,

Didst come to visit us at last.

   Isaiah in chapter 7 prophesied that a virgin would bear a child and call him Immanuel, which means "God with us." Mary named her baby, Jesus, as the angel Gabriel instructed her. 

   In those times a name wasn't just what you were called, but who you were. A man named Joseph was known as Barnabas, "Encourager." 

   Since the beginning of the world, all creation has waited for Christ (Messiah) to come (into the world he created). 

For Thee, since first the world was made,

Men's hearts have waited, watched and prayed;

Prophets and patriarchs, year by year,

Have longed to see Thy light appear. 

All glory worship, thanks and praise,

That Thou art come in these our days! 

Thou heavenly Guest, expected long,

We hail Thee with a joyful song. 

As translated from German


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