Thursday, December 16, 2021

Challenging Traditions 

   "Does this mean anything to you?" Charles and John Wesley seemed to ask the Anglicans of their time. 

   In the 1700s Christians sang songs from Scripture. But the Wesleys questioned whether the biblical story of long ago had any bearing on in people's lives. 

   They urged believers to meet Christ personally and to include him in all parts of their lives - even hymn singing. 

   Yours truly can relate. Grew up in church. Sang the hymns. Did these and other traditions find their way into my heart?

   Charles Wesley wrote 18 Christmas songs, going beyond Scripture alone. He alluded to prophecies of Christ, and personal application.

   He wrote that Christ is not only the "desire of every nation," but he is the "joy of every longing heart." He is not only the child born with the "government upon his shoulders" (Isaiah 9:6), he is "born to reign in us for ever."

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Come thou long-expected Jesus,

Born to set people free;

From our fears and sins release us,

Le us find our rest in Thee. 

Israel's strength and consolation,

Hope of all the earth Thou art;

Dear desire of every nation,

Joy of every longing heart. 

Born Thy people to deliver,

Born a child and yet a king,

Born to reign in us forever,

Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.

By Thine own eternal spirit

Rule in all our hearts alone;

By Thine all sufficient merit,

Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

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