Tuesday, December 7, 2021

On Earth, Peace

   We're approaching that time of year, when we read about angels lighting up the night sky, singing...

Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to men

on whom his favor rests.

   Will we enjoy peace in 2022? Never mind China and Russia. Will we have peace here in the homeland?

   Marvin Olasky says we need an Anti-Civil War political party. "The U.S. far left is  offensive, but if we react to it instead of developing Biblical alternatives - grace rather than hate - we may be as culpable in bringing on civil war." 

   He believes, "It is important for Christians to remember that the political spectrum in not a straight line. It's more like a horseshoe, with the ends bending toward each other."

   "A few issues - abortion is the most prominent - do not lend themselves to compromise. We can pray that the Supreme Court will allow states to decide, and that compassionate services will save lives."

   It was 80 years ago today that Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor overshadowed Christmas, followed by four years of world war. 

   Today's America is quite different than we were in 1941. On whom does God's favor rest?   


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