Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Hanson: Old Liberal Democrats in Hiding 

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   "Monetary theorists assured us that printing money would 'spread the wealth' and devalue the cash of undeserving capitalists. Printing more cash, they believed, would help the needy who unfairly had too little.

   "Inflation would be a good thing, they hoped, a sign of a newly empowered and robust consumer class long denied 'equity.'

   "COVID was virtually over. President Biden assured us that Trump had killed more than 350,000 Americans with his lax health policies. Biden would soberly vaccinate us all, claiming the vaccine's efficacy as his own. 

   "He predicted victory by the Fourth of July. The Delta variant was still then just a rumor from abroad.

   "The border would be opened - and stay open. No more walls. As citizens of the world, the left welcomed 2 million immigrants without audit or vaccinations during a pandemic.

   "As the woke drove terrified old liberal Democrats into hiding, all the old wisdom about human nature vanished. Forget that criminals hurt the poor the most. Discard the quaint idea of Martin Luther King Jr. that our character, not our color, determines who we are. Ignore the idea that inflation eats away at the wages of the working class.

   "We could always assume the lockdowns and shutdowns that made Amazon, Target, Walmart and other conglomerates hundreds of billions in profit while the mom-and-pop small businesses went broke. 

   "So, what did the people conclude 10 months out from the woke getting their wishes?" 

Tomorrow: What the polls reveal

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