Thursday, December 30, 2021

Hanson: Collapse of Woke Appeal 

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   "After 10 months of wokeism, polls show that voters don't like open borders. They disapprove of illegal immigration while supporting legal immigrants. They worry about crime and drugs. They don't want the unvetted and unvaccinated flowing across open borders.

   "People want cheaper, not pricier gas. They prefer U.S. energy self-sufficiency. Why, with cup in hand, go begging to Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more supposedly Satanic oil?

   "People like police and they hate crime. Even the rich among the woke are now scared - some of whom sowed the wind of decriminalization and are themselves reaping the whirlwind of crime. 

   "Most voters care less about our color, but far more about our character. They think a meritocracy, not quotas and tribal chauvinism, explains the exceptional American standard of life.

   "They despise inflation as much as recession, and fear they may now get both. 

   "Freedom loving individuals don't like cancel culture, ostracism, iconoclasm and commissars. They prefer free speech and treasure the Bill of Rights. 

   "In just 10 months, the left got what it wanted. And the people are becoming not just sick of what has followed, but disgusted. They are terrified that the left isn't just failing, but also wrecking the country and them along with it.

   "Of the collapse of the woke appeal, perhaps we could say, 'It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of zealots.'"


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