Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Is Woke a Yoke, or a Joke? 

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   Over the next three days Views provides excerpts from a fascinating column by Victor Davis Hanson regarding the Woke movement. On Friday we'll return to our faith-based offerings.

Hanson, of the Hoover Institution, is a commentator on contemporary politics and a military historian. See        what he thinks about our nation's future.    

   "The 'woke' movement was giddy after January 20. The left controlled both houses of Congress. Joe Biden was drafted as the veneer of 1980s Democratic normality to ram through an otherwise hard-left agenda.

   "All major cultural, financial, economic, entertainment and media institutions played roles in seeing then-President Donald Trump not just defeated, but impeached, twice. 

   "So, academia, corporate boardrooms, Hollywood, the media, the Pentagon, professional sports teams, Silicon Valley and Wall Street all boarded the woke train. All boasted of ferreting out 'white rage' and hiring legions of 'diversity, equity and inclusion' czars. 

"Critical race theory would be mainstreamed to excise racism 

and discrimination by embracing racism and discrimination. 

   "Crime was to be seen as a construct created by the elite to protect their own privilege, prerogatives and property. Shoplifting, looting and street thuggery were just part of living in a normal city. 

   "'Social justice warriors' could replace defunded police. Gone would be most bail, incarceration, mandatory jail time, stop and frisk, and broken-windows deterrent policies.

   "Green agendas would fundamentally transform America, putting a stop to man-made 'climate change.' So, lots of oil and gas leases were either cancelled or their fees vastly increased. 

   "Pipelines were stopped. Gas and oil companies were warned that everything from lack of financing to new regulations would soon put them out of business. The golden age of wind and batteries was upon us."

Tomorrow: Spread the wealth; open the border

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