Wednesday, December 1, 2021

'History' of the Future 

Daniel chapter 11

   God tells Daniel (exiled in Babylon) about future, numerous kings who will be opposed to Greece, and some to each other. 

   Then there will be a mighty king. This would be Alexander the Great, who conquered the middle East, 336-323 B.C. At his death, the empire would be broken up and parceled out to the four winds of heaven (v. 11:4)...his four generals, each intent on conquest of his own.

   War and plundering were the rule in those centuries.

   Generations of leaders named Ptolemy, Antiochus and Seleucus were prominent. Antiochus III took control of the Beautiful Land, Palestine, in 197 B.C. (Daniel 11:16) 

   After another 10 years he had one victory to his credit, and two defeats. He died attempting to plunder a pagan temple at the head of the Persian Gulf, modern day Iran.

A Contemptible Person 

   Enter a contemptable person (v. 11:21), Antiochus IV Epiphanes, in power 175-164 B.C. God informs Daniel that this will be a man of intrigue and deceit, and will achieve what neither his fathers nor his forefathers did. He will distribute plunder and wealth among his followers. He will plot the overthrow of fortresses (vv. 23-24). 

   Antiochus IV was not royalty. He was the horn that started small (Daniel 8:9), and took the throne that belonged to his nephew. He attacked wealthy cities in times of peace, becoming rich. 

   Antiochus IV, convinced that Greek culture and language were superior to any other, hated the Jews. Their lives involved faith. About 168 B.C. he invaded Egypt for the second time, but was rebuffed by the Romans.  

Tomorrow: God slips another bad guy into the Antiochus account

Don't miss it



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