Monday, December 27, 2021

Jesus, the Jewish Martyr? 

   Marvin Olasky, who must read another book every day of his life, reviews four more in WORLD magazine.

   We focus on Healing the Schism, by Jennifer Rosner. She writes concerning relations between Christians and Jews.

   Rosner quotes Jacob Neusner - how Nazism, Communism and secularism attacked both Christian and Jewish ideals. So..."we cannot find it surprising that the first post-Christian century (the 1900s) also marked the last century of Judaism in most of Europe." 

   Olasky says "Those ideologies harmed both the physical and spiritual descendants of Abraham. The wonderful Jewish painter Marc Chagall said, 'For me, Christ has always symbolized the true type of Jewish martyr.'" 

   Rosner wrote, "Through Christ, the door is opened for gentiles to enter into covenant relationship with Israel's God - without becoming Jewish."

   Olasky, born Jewish, adds, "It's a tragedy that many Jews believe faithfulness to God of Israel requires saying no to the most famous Jew ever." 

   He quotes Rosner: "To the extent that Jews seek to follow and honor God while remaining indifferent to their Messiah and his mission, their understanding of and ability to fulfill their own redemptive vocation will always be limited."

   Olasky says, "Christians should push back against attempts to minimize the Jewishness of Jesus, and Jews should recognize that God's covenant with Israel was always intended to expand outward to include all nations."

   "Now in God's providence," he says, "some Jews such as myself profess faith in Christ and can be bridges between the two peoples."

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December 28-30: Victor Hanson's insights on 2021


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