Monday, June 28, 2021

You might enjoy 

             some hate mail we received from readers here on our anti-social media: 

   I will never foregive you for your hard line about forgiveness.

   I was shocked at your blog on power lines. Nobody never saw a electron. The power companys make that up so they can rip us off. 

   You call yourself a sailor? Nobody in their right mind woud take a boat out in 25-not winds.

   I agree with politishun who say we can't legislate hate out of people's harts and minds. But we can sure beat it out of them! 

   About all the debt. Look. Businesses make 50 purcent profit. Tax them good and we'll all be free of debt by 4th of July. 

   Jimmy, you think you so smart. But you white, a man and Christian. We're coming after you oppressor! 

   If China take over world do you think they give every one free rice? Like Obama give blacks everything free? 

   Your pen name. Do you mean Jimmy Donut is your name in the pen? 

Did you believe all that fakery?

 And this agreeable person in South America:

   Gringo. Chulo. Tehablo. No ebrado. Poss teologia es verdad. Jesus es librar de muerte.  

Tomorrow, our letter to the president. For real.



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