Tuesday, June 29, 2021

 Dear Mr. President,      

   So, we wasted 60 minutes writing a letter the president will never see. Even if they give it to him, he may not be in office much longer. Cognitive something-or-other...you know? 

   We did get a response from Bill Clinton - or a staff member? - in the 1990s. But this White House doesn't want my vote to matter, ever again. Why would they humor me? 

   God allowed you to become our president, I wrote. To what end, I'm not sure. As a fellow Christian, I'm concerned about your salvation. 

   Readers, we know that God is not partial to the mighty, the greedy or the liars. Not everyone who says Lord, Lord is saved. I mentioned people God chose for leadership assignments: 

Joseph - sold into slavery by his 10 older brothers.

Moses - an old shepherd, slow of speech. He begged, Send someone else. 

Gideon - I am the least in my family. 

David - any of his older brothers might have been Samuel's preference. 

Daniel - taken captive. Interpreted king's dream. Prophesied end times. 

Joseph and Mary - Were they from Scranton too? (Couldn't help it 😊 ) 

John the Baptist - sackcloth. Greatest of men? Stepped aside for Jesus.

Widow - gave all she had, more than all the others. Two copper coins. 

Solomon - the exception. But, his efforts were just chasing after the wind. 

   We concluded with Jesus: Let the little children come to me. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.



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