Friday, June 18, 2021

Chasing After the Wind

   You may have read about the spill my cousin and I experienced on a lake, in our collapsible canoe...with a sail...without life jackets. Bet you thought I learned my lesson. Ha.

Growing Up, No. 9

   I was at fault then, and later when I was blown into Lake Erie. A bachelor working at a Toledo TV station, I had purchased my 13-ft. sloop, bought and assembled a trailer, and docked it in the Maumee River.

   After another busy week, I longed for an afternoon of sailing. The wind was surprisingly strong, possibly 25 knots. I couldn't have left the docks without knocking into other boats. 

   A couple men in a motorboat offered to tow me into the river, where I could raise the sails and begin the fun. I was confident I could handle - even enjoy - the wind. 

   In ten seconds or less I was blowing downriver toward the lake. Couldn't raise the jib sail much, much less the main sail. Tried turning the boat around. No way Hosea!   

   How did I think I could return, tacking into strong wind on a river? 

   Into the lake Scamper (her name) and I were blown, wondering what will happen when we arrive in Canada.    ...        Hey, an island! Yea! 

   I curled around the northern side out of the wind and came to full stop. Could have raised the sails, but I surrendered. 

   When a boater is in trouble, he stands up and raises both arms to form an arch. Way off, a lone fisherman responded and towed me to my dock.   

James 1:6 - But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.


Saturdays and Sundays: brief briefs

Monday: Don't be shocked! 

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