Thursday, June 3, 2021

 Mysterious Money    

   My fellow American: Maybe you received the letter.

I am pleased to inform you that because of the American Rescue Plan, a direct payment of $2,800 was issued to you by direct deposit. 

   The letter mentioned other benefits - "aid for small businesses, an expanded child tax credit for families, and resources to reopen our schools safely. Also the Plan extends unemployment insurance and helps reduce health care premiums through the Affordable Care Act." 

   You know who signed the letter: President Joseph R. Biden Jr. 

   Okay. Some people needed help. Others were not financially affected by the pandemic. No matter. Get used to depending on the Federal Government and its printing press, until rivers flow uphill and elephants fly. 

   Joel Belz of WORLD magazine considers the Rescue Plan "the real crime or ethical breach. The scam that we may live with the longest," he writes, "is the transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars from a virtually unknown source into the bank accounts of accepting citizens." 

   "With our massive level of national debt ($28 trillion) where do those dollars come from?" he asks. 

   "This started last year when former President Donald Trump authorized the first two 'stimulus' packages - the $2.2 trillion CARES Act and its $900 billion follow up. The effort accelerated when President Biden added his support to the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan." 

   Belz wants to know, "Who's going to say, 'Stop!' You can't put that money in my account. It's phony money!"


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