Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Outnumbered in Prison 

   Following is part of what Petr Jasek, Voice of the Martyrs, 

wrote after spending 445 days in a Sudanese prison with six ISIS men: 

   "During each call for prayer, as my cellmates washed themselves, I systematically praised God with words from Revelation 4:8: The four living creatures ... day and night they never ceased to say, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!'     

   "If those four creatures could say the words 'holy, holy, holy' throughout eternity, then I knew I could manage to say them for one minute, for five minutes, or for an hour. I began repeating that verse over and over in my mind.

   "Those words made me think of God's specific attributes - His holiness, His purity, His ability to heal. 'Holy, holy, holy is God who sets the captives free.' I prayed for Christians in Eritrea, some of whom had been imprisoned for over a decade. 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord,' I repeated to myself over and over again. I knew I couldn't sing my hymns aloud or speak the words of Scripture, but I could surely sing and say them in my heart.

   "When I began to focus more on the holiness and power of God and less on the horrors of my own situation, the dynamics in my prison cell began to change for the worse. My ISIS cellmates did not know that I had begun silently repeating these worshipful words, but during the first week of February, the more I sang to God and exalted His name, the more harshly they treated me."

Are Christians and Jews

going to face persecution in America?


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