Tuesday, June 8, 2021

If You Had to Choose   

   We Americans like our Constitutional rights, and millions of us like our Bibles as well. 

   Which would you select if you had to choose one or the other? Worse, what if we lost the Constitution in a leftist takeover - followed by severe persecution of believers? 

   It's not out of the question. It is the norm in much of this dark world. 

   Our view by the sea is clear. Only the Bible addresses the two irreconcilable destinations of after-life. Once we are of age, our destination is already assigned. It is all downhill from there...forever. Infant baptism is not biblical and does not save. 

   The good news: we can choose a most wonderful destination with a little information and a lot of faith.       

   We will spend a couple days here reviewing the "greatest question ever asked," followed by the Bible's teaching for those who correctly answer the question. If you never read another blog, don't miss this four-part series!   

   Our helpers are my pastor, and commentary by the late Donald Stamps, a missionary, and eight associates with lots of letters (degrees). Their work is found in the New International Version, The Full Life Study Bible. 

The Greatest Question  

   In Matthew 16:13-19, Jesus asked his disciples Who do people say the Son of Man is? Not that he didn't already know. They tossed out some names.

   Then Jesus got to the point: Who do you say I am? 

   We don't know if the men discussed this, but Peter who often spoke up answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. 

   Blessed are you, Jesus answered, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 

Next: Rocks, churches, gates, keys


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