Monday, June 14, 2021

Over 60? 

Be a Heavy Drinker

   Well, not that kind of drinker. 

   Our friend forwarded this helpful information for us to pass on. 

   A physician wrote that dehydration is one of three most common causes of mental confusion in the elderly. "It may sound like a joke, but it isn't," he says. 

   Seniors quickly dehydrate. This is severe and affects the entire body, the physician points out. It may cause mental confusion, a drop in blood pressure, increased heart palpitations, chest pain, coma and even death. 

   By age 60 people have just over 50% of the water the body should have. This is part of natural aging. 

   Seniors dehydrate not only because they have less water, but because they don't sense any difference. 

   The doctor offers these alerts:

*  Make a habit of drinking liquids. This includes water, juices, teas, coconut water, milk, soups, watermelon, melon, peaches, pineapple, oranges and tangerines. Drink some liquid every two hours!

*  Family members: Offer fluids to those over 60, and observe them.

   If you realize they are rejecting liquids, are irritable, breathless or show a lack of attention, these are recurrent symptoms of dehydration. 



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