Monday, June 7, 2021

They Came from Afar  

   It is the hot and potentially rainy season in Florida. Still, they came.

   They came from Pennsylvania and Virginia. They came from Georgia,

New York and Washington. 

   No, they weren't fleeing politicly-blue states. Or vacationers looking for beaches.  

   Although there was a beach. It's called Treasure Island. 

   Close to 100 of us would gather in one small area on one very broad beach. 

   None of us were in bathing suits. We all waited in air conditioning until the last minute. The sun was bright as we followed the trail to our seats. 

   It was 5:30 pm. 

   Along came the best man and the maid of honor. The groomsmen and bridesmaids. Mother of the bide and parents of the groom. And the groom.

   We stood to watch the bride process with her father.   

   The Vow &  Ring Ceremony. Blessing & Kiss. Pronouncement. 

   Holly and Joshua became one. Under God. A treasure.

   On Treasure Island.

           Uncle Jimmy


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