Monday, August 12, 2019

Wow, Are We Popular!     
   An unknown company wants to buy our home for 35 percent less than appraised value.

   Subaru wants to sell us a new car.

   Another unknown company wants to sell us auto insurance for just $378.92 over six months.

   State Farm wants us to add another authorized user to our credit card. We don't run debts and pay interest. Maybe another user would. They can only hope.

   AAA has teamed up with "the industry's best" so we can vacation more and worry less.

   Good Housekeeping has "50 school supplies your kids will find insanely useful." What a choice of words. Is an AR-15 one of the 50 supplies?  

   Finally, Microsoft has rewards for us to earn. Wow! 

If I Am...
   If I am the leader of China, Russia, North Korea or Iran, I'm not about to enter a deal with President Trump until I see who wins the 2020 election...if then.    

   Make a note. 



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