Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What's Scary Are Scaremongers    
   Part 2 of 2

   The UN report also warns that landmasses are warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet (i.e., oceans and Antarctica). You think? It calls for less red meat and more fruit, vegetables and seeds

   John in Alabama replies, "Nearly 50 percent of the warming likely results from the urban heat effect. Big cities often experience warmer temperatures due to cement, asphalt, brick, glass and steel." 

   Calvin's colleague Vijay notes that carbon dioxide levels rose alongside global temperatures between 1970 and 1999. They also rose rapidly from 1940 to 1969 when Earth cooled significantly. Some scientists then thought we were headed into a mini ice age. 

   Earth cooled during the first 30 years and warmed in the second 30, but in both cases, carbon dioxide levels rose. If carbon dioxide isn't contributing much to global warming, then "all meatless, planet-saving, super-diet propaganda is nothing more than fancy folklore," Vijay stated. 

   Meanwhile, "the health benefits of eating meat, the best source of protein, would benefit the world's poor far more than the next-to-zero reduction in global temperature that might come from reduced meat consumption," Calvin said. 

   Doomsday or abundant food?
      Catastrophe or lower prices?
         Propaganda or protein?
            Koko or Calvin?

We'll go with Calvin. He has no agenda other than
answering to Almighty God and seeking truth in science. 

We wish Koko a good night's sleep.

   PS. This discussion doesn't touch on melting ice and flooding, apparently due mostly to a natural, warming cycle...and hot cities.  

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