Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Great News for Cows...and Us     
    Part 1 of 2   
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   The UN panel on climate change (IPPC) says we're only a fraction of a degree from scarce, costly, less nutritious food! A climate-change manager named Koko says, "I've lost a lot of sleep about what science is saying. It's pretty scary."

   But a man named Calvin, founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation replies, "Like other reports, it uses scare tactics to shift power from private persons and corporations to governments and UN bureaucracy." 

Just what we've suspected,
though we had no facts.

   Many scientists believe doomsday rhetoric overlooks the benefits of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. John, at the U. of Alabama, told Julie at WORLD online, data doesn't show that slightly warmer temperatures are hurting Earth. 

   He cites faulty computer climate models that overestimate the effects of increased carbon dioxide. Unbiased scientists have observed the greening of the planet, greater crop yields and falling poverty rates as food production outpaces population growth. 

   The UN report points to new studies indicating carbon dioxide reduces protein and nutrients in crops. John counters, "Only a few food crops become slightly less nutritious at elevated carbon dioxide levels. 

   "The nutritional value of most crops remains unchanged, and the greater yield-per-acre ... provides a more abundant crop and drives down the price of food," worldwide.

Tomorrow: Does carbon dioxide lead to global warming?


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