Thursday, August 22, 2019

Comparing Two Cultures      
   We don't paint everyone with the same brush.

   Nevertheless, we were intrigued by an item forwarded from a friend. Someone - apparently in 1996 or soon after - had made a partial list of Nobel Prize winners - some Muslim, some Jewish. 

   There was one Muslim winner in Literature, four in Peace (including Yasser Arafat), and two in Medicine. Twenty three years ago, Muslims accounted for about 20 percent of world population. 

   Jewish people, 0.02 percent, had received 130 prizes by that date. 

Literature - 10
Peace - 8
Physics - 55 (including Albert Einstein) 
Economics - 13
Medicine - 44

   The Nobel Prize is just one of many points of comparison, but it reveals something. 

By the Numbers   
   Many American women demand total equality with men in every respect. Here's a nation where they lead by a large margin, in a negative way. Since 1990, about 15.8 million girls have been eliminated in India through abortion and other forms of prenatal sex selection. China has a similar story. 

     Immigration. What's taking so long for U.S. courts to settle cases? Oh, just a backlog of 945,711, as of June. 

   What large American city has the highest violent crime rate: New York? Chicago? LA? Baltimore? It is the city with the Gateway Arch, St. Louis, at 2,082 per 100,000 residents.

Sweet Talk
   Mrs. Donut is always nice. Yesterday we thought she was being unusually fond and amorous, until we realized she was sweet-talking a neighbor's pet fish she is feeding this week.



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