Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Fact About Facts    
Battle for Young Minds    

   Evolutionists seek control of science curriculum in the nation's third largest state. 

   What unnerves them is the July appointment of Andy Tuck as chairman of the state board of education, with good reviews by his colleagues. Also worrisome to them, the board considers revisions to all K-12 standards, as ordered by Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

   When last debated, in 2008, the state board defeated an attempt to teach evolution as fact by a single vote. Did activists go away? After all these years, they pulled from their files notes on one county school board member who had opposed the fact of evolution, Andy Tuck. 

   He was quoted then, "As a person of faith I strongly oppose any study of evolution as a fact. I'm in favor of it staying a theory and only a theory." 

   This past week, bloggers for atheist and secular organizations opened fire of the new chairman.

   A mild shot: Tuck is an "evolution denier." Another called him an "anti-evolution Christian extremist." (What about "anti-evolution Muslim extremists?") 

   One accused him of being "anti-science and anti-fact." Another: "Tuck has a right to say whatever ludicrous thing pops into his head, including denying the scientific reality of evolution, but his opinions affect what public schoolchildren learn. We ought to be concerned."

   A science teacher said, "Teaching multiple views in science is problematic. Does this mean we should teach creation, or intelligent design, or whatever other nonscientific view someone holds?" 

   An alternative newspaper wrote, "Florida has a long history of allowing the dumbest people to oversee its education system." 

   Tuck responds: "It is critical that today's students have a well rounded education based on high quality standards. I support standards that ensure students use critical thinking skills to explore multiple views of the world around them." 

   Like Mr. Tuck, we have read the Bible, 1156 pages in my NIV (without commentary). But, apparently, our beliefs just popped into our head.  

       Jimmy, a "dumb Christian extremist"  

PS.  God has chosen those who are poor in the eyes 
of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the
kingdom he promised those who love him.  James 2:5


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