Friday, August 30, 2019

  Name the first person to take information   
  from a cloud and display it on a tablet?   
 Answer below. 
On it Goes     
   Who said no one in Washington works during August? The Congressional Budget Office just announced that the federal deficit will exceed $1 trillion in fiscal year 2020. This is the difference between government revenue and what it spends. 

   The estimate increased by $63 billion to account for the budget deal the president and Democratic leaders in Congress reached in July. The deficit could increase further if the trade war with China slows consumer spending.

   Annual deficits add to national debt, now at about $22.5 trillion. 

   Rep. Mark Walker, N.C., called out his Republican colleagues, the minority, saying, (They) "can't keep talking about monitoring our spending and still vote for every spending bill that comes down the pipe." 

She 'Jumped Right In'  
   Pro-life activist Abby Johnson went to the border to provide humanitarian relief for migrants. She blasted Democratic politicians who declined her requests for help unloading a truck of relief supplies: 

   "They looked stunned that someone had the gall to ask them to actually do something, as in not just for the cameras," she said.   

Answer: Moses 

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