Friday, August 23, 2019

Delaware's Macho Man       
   We've made our decision. We're putting our trust in Joe Biden.

   He said that survivors of the Parkland school shooting flocked to his office in the vice president's mansion. That, while Vice President Mike Pence lived there in 2018, and still does.

   Only the supernatural can explain this. Truth over facts. Our America needs a supernatural president.

   Biden's resume: He said he survived gunfire while in Baghdad's Green Zone. What if we told you that Joe himself captured Saddam Hussein, the 20th hijacker and a python in the Everglades? 

   Would you question that he was Martin Luther King's right-hand man, facing down armed Klansmen? Or, that he authored the Civil Rights Act and amendments ending slavery and giving women voting rights?

   Have you heard that he advised JFK on Soviet missiles in Cuba, and Truman on the Berlin blockade? Did you know that he was the first Marine to hit the beach at Tarawa, and before that, stood his ground at Pearl Harbor with only a pistol?

   Joe being Joe, he may have saved the Union by recommending General Grant to President Lincoln, shortly after the Gettysburg Address. 

   You might have known that he challenged Andrew Jackson to a duel over the president's treatment of Native Americans. Biden may yet claim his ancestors belonged to the Delaware Indian people. 

   We see him crossing the Delaware with George Washington, just to show him the way. Modest man that he is, we may never know the full extent of his service to our country.

   We're especially sensitive (true) to Mr. Biden's loss of his son, "Beau," and we know Democrats will close ranks around this great patriot and friend of Ukraine. As president, Macho Joe will bring China, Russia, North Korea and Iran to heel, after he takes Donald Trump out behind the woodshed. 


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