Wednesday, August 28, 2019

   Rational Organization of Bloggers, Ink.   
    Recertification Report   
 Jimmy Donut 

To: Readers of Views By the Sea

Every five years ROB, Ink. recertifies bloggers in two phases: 
1. mental/emotional fitness, and 2. journalistic qualifications

Here in Part 1, our analysts focused on how people react 
to Mr. Donut, where he lived, studied and worked. 

Item 1. He attended grades 1-6. After he was promoted out, the school district razed the building. 

Item 2. His secondary school, grades 7-12, also was razed after he graduated. 

Item 3. Possibly due to clerical error, he was admitted to Ohio State University.
Update: Ohio State recently published its commemorative sesquicentennial edition of the alumni magazine. Mr. Donut was not found on any of 65 pages. 

Item 4. He filled a vacancy on his home town newspaper, until drafted by the U.S. Army. After basic training, he was sent to an obscure office. 

Item 5. He spent three-plus years in TV promotion, during which time no viewers were enlightened.  

Item 6. He turned to "personnel communications" in a large factory, with 5,700 workers. Gradually, employment declined and Mr. Donut's work was done. The plant soon closed and was razed. 

Item 7. His company gave him Human Resources responsibilities at an office in the city. Within a few years, human resources declined and the office closed.

Item 8. He was rehired at a large (25,000 employees) government site, created for the nuclear weapons race. After three months on the job, the USSR bombed out. His company declined and went out of business, entirely. 

Item 9. Update: Mr. Donut declined (retired) on a Florida golf course. Participation gradually declined until this June when the course closed.

ROB, Ink. rates Mr. Donut: C- with credit: Soviet decline was not his doing. 

~ Views By the Sea will resume tomorrow ~

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