Saturday, August 31, 2019

How it's Done   
For decades, progressives have assumed greater control
of mainstream media. They honestly believe they are
smarter than "we the people," and it is their duty
to explain the news, not just report it. 

Problem is, their ideology allows them to interpret the news
from the viewpoint of - their ideology. Here's how it's done:

~ ~ ~

Reclusive Blogger May Have Ties to Trump  

   Two anonymous sources with knowledge of the underground yesterday raised concerns that an unregulated blogger on the Gulf Coast may have ties to Trump. The president also lives in Florida, part time, driving suspicions of a hidden connection. 

   It is worrisome that the blogger in question, who goes by Jimmy Donut, voted for Trump, and may do so again. After discovering this possible connection, ___ News asked Florida Democratic house member ____ about an investigation.

   Rep. ____ suggested possible misuse of government funds, and possible malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect and alleged incompetence. "Trump has not fully complied with our repeated requests for records," he said.

   Committee Chairperson ____ told the ethics committee she may turn this matter over to the appropriate law enforcement agency, and the IRS if necessary. 

   Our attempts to reach Mr. Donut, rumored to be a white supremacist, have been unsuccessful. His legal name and contact information remains hidden.

   There are concerns, inaccuracies, discrepancies and non-compliance issues, according to other sources who cannot be identified while the case is pending.

   Further, if this racist blogger can exert influence on the White House, said a Democratic strategist, "we need to revisit collusion with the Russians." 
~ ~ ~

Oh my! I'd better go into hiding. Maybe in a donut shop.

Friday, August 30, 2019

  Name the first person to take information   
  from a cloud and display it on a tablet?   
 Answer below. 
On it Goes     
   Who said no one in Washington works during August? The Congressional Budget Office just announced that the federal deficit will exceed $1 trillion in fiscal year 2020. This is the difference between government revenue and what it spends. 

   The estimate increased by $63 billion to account for the budget deal the president and Democratic leaders in Congress reached in July. The deficit could increase further if the trade war with China slows consumer spending.

   Annual deficits add to national debt, now at about $22.5 trillion. 

   Rep. Mark Walker, N.C., called out his Republican colleagues, the minority, saying, (They) "can't keep talking about monitoring our spending and still vote for every spending bill that comes down the pipe." 

She 'Jumped Right In'  
   Pro-life activist Abby Johnson went to the border to provide humanitarian relief for migrants. She blasted Democratic politicians who declined her requests for help unloading a truck of relief supplies: 

   "They looked stunned that someone had the gall to ask them to actually do something, as in not just for the cameras," she said.   

Answer: Moses 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Snake in the Pool    
   On Sunday, a juvenile snake found its way into our swimming pool. Little wigglers can't crawl back out, but they can live in water for a long time. 

Kids in the Pool
   When young children slip under the water, there are only seconds until their brains suffer lack of oxygen. Last year, 88 kids drowned in Florida pools, a most preventable tragedy. 

   Some survive, with or without permanent damage. In 2017, there were 107 near drownings, mostly ages 1-4, requiring hospitalization. 

In That Moment  
   A family in Clearwater went beyond careful to prevent a pool accident. Mom lectured her children, and showed them stories of kids who drowned, explaining, "This is why we're careful." 

   She put three locks on outside doors, and ADT alarms set to alert her when doors were open. Young friends knew; when you're in the pool, you shut the door. 

   Mom and dad had talked of an additional layer of security. What could possibly go wrong?

   On July 22, dad, a truck driver, was in Georgia. A teenage daughter and her friend were in the pool. A teenage son was around. Mom had come home from work and started preparing dinner. 

   Then she went to get her things from the car, for less than three minutes, knowing her daughter and friend were swimming. In that moment, the older girls left the pool. In that moment, Royal, 15 months old, slipped through a door that was left open a crack. 

   Tootie, a seven-year-old sister, discovered her.

   Royal is mostly unresponsive. "When" - the report says - she comes home, she will need a nurse and 24-hour care.

   Tootie, who "swims like a fish," plays with Barbies and tells her dolls to watch out for the pool. Neither mom or dad have returned to work.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

   Rational Organization of Bloggers, Ink.   
    Recertification Report   
 Jimmy Donut 

To: Readers of Views By the Sea

Every five years ROB, Ink. recertifies bloggers in two phases: 
1. mental/emotional fitness, and 2. journalistic qualifications

Here in Part 1, our analysts focused on how people react 
to Mr. Donut, where he lived, studied and worked. 

Item 1. He attended grades 1-6. After he was promoted out, the school district razed the building. 

Item 2. His secondary school, grades 7-12, also was razed after he graduated. 

Item 3. Possibly due to clerical error, he was admitted to Ohio State University.
Update: Ohio State recently published its commemorative sesquicentennial edition of the alumni magazine. Mr. Donut was not found on any of 65 pages. 

Item 4. He filled a vacancy on his home town newspaper, until drafted by the U.S. Army. After basic training, he was sent to an obscure office. 

Item 5. He spent three-plus years in TV promotion, during which time no viewers were enlightened.  

Item 6. He turned to "personnel communications" in a large factory, with 5,700 workers. Gradually, employment declined and Mr. Donut's work was done. The plant soon closed and was razed. 

Item 7. His company gave him Human Resources responsibilities at an office in the city. Within a few years, human resources declined and the office closed.

Item 8. He was rehired at a large (25,000 employees) government site, created for the nuclear weapons race. After three months on the job, the USSR bombed out. His company declined and went out of business, entirely. 

Item 9. Update: Mr. Donut declined (retired) on a Florida golf course. Participation gradually declined until this June when the course closed.

ROB, Ink. rates Mr. Donut: C- with credit: Soviet decline was not his doing. 

~ Views By the Sea will resume tomorrow ~

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Calling for Self-Criticism    
   Part 2
Conclusion of an opinion column by Mr. Gatsiounis, 
helping us to understand liberals. 
Some conservatives also could reexamine their
speech, without abandoning principles. - JD 

   Pluralistic rather than tribal, compassionate rather than hateful, thoughtful rather than reactive. "Progressive" has become a dirty word to many Americans, more closely associated with intolerance and double standards than with free thought and due process.

   I am grateful for rigorous investigative work. But there's a reason so many Americans think much of the media is "fake news." The left-of-center figures who populate it stop at nothing to demonize their political enemies. 

   This is a shame because our side's media is basically alone in drawing attention to pressing issues like corruption, climate change and income inequality. We'll better reach people when our approach to delivering news is more credible. 

   We liberals have hidden behind our professed goodness and lost our capacity for self-criticism. We've insisted that everyone else adapt to a changing world but have refused to adapt ourselves.

   If we don't change, we'll continue to inspire more suspicion than hope, and pay a price for it in 2020 and beyond.

How's this for dualism: On one hand we hope
none of the dominant progressives have read the column. 
On the other, America will be better off if they did,
and take his advice to heart.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Calling for Self-Criticism    
   Part 1 of 2
 This opinion (summarized) in the Wall Street Journal 
 by a liberal writer in Austin, Texas 
explains much.

by Ioannis Gatsiounis

   (Trump) stands a good chance of reelection. I blame my fellow liberals. Most (are) blaming everyone but themselves - Hillary Clinton, Russia, the Electoral College, "white supremacists" - and expecting to win on the strength of their hatred. 

   Part of the problem lies with unpopular positions Democrats have taken - from decriminalizing unauthorized border crossings to banning private health insurance. The main problem has less to do with policy than with attitude. To many ordinary Americans we appear unhinged, haughty and out of touch.

   Our tendency to insert race, sex and sexual orientation into everything gives the impression we are more committed to narrow groups than Americans as a whole.

* Philosophical doctrine that the universe is dominated by 
two opposing principles, one good and the other evil.

   Liberals tend to shame and "cancel" anyone who doesn't conform to our thinking on complex social issues. We wield political correctness like a club. 

   Eighty percent of Americans - including three-quarters of blacks and more  than 80 percent of Asian-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians - disapprove of political correctness. 

   Our fanatical embrace of the oppressor-victim narrative finds us quick to assign guilt or innocence based on narrow identity markers like race and sex...seeing women as always victims, men as always aggressors, minorities and immigrants as, by definition, innocent. 

   We've rightly drawn attention to disparities...but we've become reckless in the process. 

Tomorrow: Items Four and Five 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pursuing Priorities      
   Fifty thousand exiled Jews resettled in Jerusalem about 537 B.C. After they laid a foundation to replace Solomon's temple, opposition by Samaritans stopped the work.

   The people became spiritually slack, justifying their apathy by saying the time had not come to build the Lord's house. 

   After 16 years, the word of the Lord came through the prophet, Haggai.

   Is it a time for you to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?  

   Then He pointed out that they were short on harvests, food, drink, warm clothes...and that they put their wages in purses with holes. Life without priority for God's kingdom and righteousness wasn't going so well.

   The remnant of Jews obeyed the voice of God. And the people feared the Lord.  
Haggai 1:12

   Five centuries later, people needed to hear the same message:
Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matt. 6:33

   Are our priorities in order? Does opposition or other factors give us permission to be slack toward the work of our God and Savior, here and overseas? 

   If we are short on God's presence and blessings (we don't mean financial), maybe there's a Samaritan obstacle waiting to be overcome with a revived heart. 

   This is a challenge for all of us. Many distractions.  


Saturday, August 24, 2019

It Can be Chemistry    
Depression is Depressing      
   There is major depression, long lasting and debilitating.

   Then there is situational depression, brought on by a major life event or stressful situation. The loss of a loved one or a serious illness can result in deep sadness, hopelessness, avoidance of social activities and changes in eating or sleeping habits. 

   As seen in our health insurance magazine, some people can handle it on their own. Others might explore health services, such as individual therapy or counseling.

   Specific support groups can help someone in situational depression or other common difficulties.

   The insurance company says that medication might be an answer, while coping skills learned during one episode may be valuable in future life events.

   Our relative was healed of depression, the doctor said, through earnest, family prayer. Years later he suffered another episode, and again he came through.

   We would like to know if the peace, joy and other gifts of the Holy Spirit sometimes prevents depression altogether. It can be chemistry. Other times depression may take control in the absence of the knowledge of God.

Odd Nation Out
   Which of the following nations is NOT a member of the G7?
U.S., Canada, France, Japan,
Germany, China, Italy, Britain



Friday, August 23, 2019

Delaware's Macho Man       
   We've made our decision. We're putting our trust in Joe Biden.

   He said that survivors of the Parkland school shooting flocked to his office in the vice president's mansion. That, while Vice President Mike Pence lived there in 2018, and still does.

   Only the supernatural can explain this. Truth over facts. Our America needs a supernatural president.

   Biden's resume: He said he survived gunfire while in Baghdad's Green Zone. What if we told you that Joe himself captured Saddam Hussein, the 20th hijacker and a python in the Everglades? 

   Would you question that he was Martin Luther King's right-hand man, facing down armed Klansmen? Or, that he authored the Civil Rights Act and amendments ending slavery and giving women voting rights?

   Have you heard that he advised JFK on Soviet missiles in Cuba, and Truman on the Berlin blockade? Did you know that he was the first Marine to hit the beach at Tarawa, and before that, stood his ground at Pearl Harbor with only a pistol?

   Joe being Joe, he may have saved the Union by recommending General Grant to President Lincoln, shortly after the Gettysburg Address. 

   You might have known that he challenged Andrew Jackson to a duel over the president's treatment of Native Americans. Biden may yet claim his ancestors belonged to the Delaware Indian people. 

   We see him crossing the Delaware with George Washington, just to show him the way. Modest man that he is, we may never know the full extent of his service to our country.

   We're especially sensitive (true) to Mr. Biden's loss of his son, "Beau," and we know Democrats will close ranks around this great patriot and friend of Ukraine. As president, Macho Joe will bring China, Russia, North Korea and Iran to heel, after he takes Donald Trump out behind the woodshed. 


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Comparing Two Cultures      
   We don't paint everyone with the same brush.

   Nevertheless, we were intrigued by an item forwarded from a friend. Someone - apparently in 1996 or soon after - had made a partial list of Nobel Prize winners - some Muslim, some Jewish. 

   There was one Muslim winner in Literature, four in Peace (including Yasser Arafat), and two in Medicine. Twenty three years ago, Muslims accounted for about 20 percent of world population. 

   Jewish people, 0.02 percent, had received 130 prizes by that date. 

Literature - 10
Peace - 8
Physics - 55 (including Albert Einstein) 
Economics - 13
Medicine - 44

   The Nobel Prize is just one of many points of comparison, but it reveals something. 

By the Numbers   
   Many American women demand total equality with men in every respect. Here's a nation where they lead by a large margin, in a negative way. Since 1990, about 15.8 million girls have been eliminated in India through abortion and other forms of prenatal sex selection. China has a similar story. 

     Immigration. What's taking so long for U.S. courts to settle cases? Oh, just a backlog of 945,711, as of June. 

   What large American city has the highest violent crime rate: New York? Chicago? LA? Baltimore? It is the city with the Gateway Arch, St. Louis, at 2,082 per 100,000 residents.

Sweet Talk
   Mrs. Donut is always nice. Yesterday we thought she was being unusually fond and amorous, until we realized she was sweet-talking a neighbor's pet fish she is feeding this week.



Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What's Scary Are Scaremongers    
   Part 2 of 2

   The UN report also warns that landmasses are warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet (i.e., oceans and Antarctica). You think? It calls for less red meat and more fruit, vegetables and seeds

   John in Alabama replies, "Nearly 50 percent of the warming likely results from the urban heat effect. Big cities often experience warmer temperatures due to cement, asphalt, brick, glass and steel." 

   Calvin's colleague Vijay notes that carbon dioxide levels rose alongside global temperatures between 1970 and 1999. They also rose rapidly from 1940 to 1969 when Earth cooled significantly. Some scientists then thought we were headed into a mini ice age. 

   Earth cooled during the first 30 years and warmed in the second 30, but in both cases, carbon dioxide levels rose. If carbon dioxide isn't contributing much to global warming, then "all meatless, planet-saving, super-diet propaganda is nothing more than fancy folklore," Vijay stated. 

   Meanwhile, "the health benefits of eating meat, the best source of protein, would benefit the world's poor far more than the next-to-zero reduction in global temperature that might come from reduced meat consumption," Calvin said. 

   Doomsday or abundant food?
      Catastrophe or lower prices?
         Propaganda or protein?
            Koko or Calvin?

We'll go with Calvin. He has no agenda other than
answering to Almighty God and seeking truth in science. 

We wish Koko a good night's sleep.

   PS. This discussion doesn't touch on melting ice and flooding, apparently due mostly to a natural, warming cycle...and hot cities.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Great News for Cows...and Us     
    Part 1 of 2   
You may want to copy this.

   The UN panel on climate change (IPPC) says we're only a fraction of a degree from scarce, costly, less nutritious food! A climate-change manager named Koko says, "I've lost a lot of sleep about what science is saying. It's pretty scary."

   But a man named Calvin, founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation replies, "Like other reports, it uses scare tactics to shift power from private persons and corporations to governments and UN bureaucracy." 

Just what we've suspected,
though we had no facts.

   Many scientists believe doomsday rhetoric overlooks the benefits of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. John, at the U. of Alabama, told Julie at WORLD online, data doesn't show that slightly warmer temperatures are hurting Earth. 

   He cites faulty computer climate models that overestimate the effects of increased carbon dioxide. Unbiased scientists have observed the greening of the planet, greater crop yields and falling poverty rates as food production outpaces population growth. 

   The UN report points to new studies indicating carbon dioxide reduces protein and nutrients in crops. John counters, "Only a few food crops become slightly less nutritious at elevated carbon dioxide levels. 

   "The nutritional value of most crops remains unchanged, and the greater yield-per-acre ... provides a more abundant crop and drives down the price of food," worldwide.

Tomorrow: Does carbon dioxide lead to global warming?


Monday, August 19, 2019

Hit-em Again      
Our high school cheerleaders led us in the chant...
Hit-em again, hit-em again, harder, harder...

   While we look forward to another college football season, safe in our recliner, Science Advances is yanking the ball away, as in, Lucy betraying Charlie Brown. 

   A study suggests playing just one season of college football, even without a concussion, can result in brain damage. There may not be visible signs, but long-term brain health is in question.

   Researchers placed special instruments in the helmets of 38 players at the 
U. of Rochester to track the number and force of hits during practices and games. They took MRI scans of players' brains before and after three consecutive football seasons. 

Hit-em again...  
   Only two players had a concussion, but more than two-thirds showed significant damage to mid-brain white matter - after only one season. Hits that knocked the head from side to side or front to back caused greater damage than a head-on impact.

   Scientists looked specifically at the mid-brain, which controls functions often affected by concussions such as visual tracking, balance and auditory [hearing] processing. No matter where the brain receives a blow, the force travels to the central region.  

Harder, harder...
   The main author of the study likened the mid-brain to the "canary in the coal mine for the whole brain." 

   Big-time college, and for sure NFL, competition, must be more violent than at the Rochester level, even with helmet improvements. There are positive benefits for most college players who sacrifice and mature during those years, but the price...? 

   We never played organized, tackle football. So, what's my excuse?  😦


Sunday, August 18, 2019

   All's Well That Ends Well   

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, 
as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 
down the middle of the great street of the city.

On each side of the river stood the tree of life, 
bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month.

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 

No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb 
will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 
They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.

There will be no more night. 
They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, 
for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

The angel said to me, 'These words are trustworthy and true. 
The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel 
to show his servants the things that must soon take place.'

'Behold, I am coming soon! 
Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.' 

Rev. 22:1-7

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Fact About Facts    
Battle for Young Minds    

   Evolutionists seek control of science curriculum in the nation's third largest state. 

   What unnerves them is the July appointment of Andy Tuck as chairman of the state board of education, with good reviews by his colleagues. Also worrisome to them, the board considers revisions to all K-12 standards, as ordered by Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

   When last debated, in 2008, the state board defeated an attempt to teach evolution as fact by a single vote. Did activists go away? After all these years, they pulled from their files notes on one county school board member who had opposed the fact of evolution, Andy Tuck. 

   He was quoted then, "As a person of faith I strongly oppose any study of evolution as a fact. I'm in favor of it staying a theory and only a theory." 

   This past week, bloggers for atheist and secular organizations opened fire of the new chairman.

   A mild shot: Tuck is an "evolution denier." Another called him an "anti-evolution Christian extremist." (What about "anti-evolution Muslim extremists?") 

   One accused him of being "anti-science and anti-fact." Another: "Tuck has a right to say whatever ludicrous thing pops into his head, including denying the scientific reality of evolution, but his opinions affect what public schoolchildren learn. We ought to be concerned."

   A science teacher said, "Teaching multiple views in science is problematic. Does this mean we should teach creation, or intelligent design, or whatever other nonscientific view someone holds?" 

   An alternative newspaper wrote, "Florida has a long history of allowing the dumbest people to oversee its education system." 

   Tuck responds: "It is critical that today's students have a well rounded education based on high quality standards. I support standards that ensure students use critical thinking skills to explore multiple views of the world around them." 

   Like Mr. Tuck, we have read the Bible, 1156 pages in my NIV (without commentary). But, apparently, our beliefs just popped into our head.  

       Jimmy, a "dumb Christian extremist"  

PS.  God has chosen those who are poor in the eyes 
of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the
kingdom he promised those who love him.  James 2:5


Friday, August 16, 2019

We Do Need Reason      
   Columnist Peggy Noonan, heads and shoulders and tall buildings smarter than us, writes this about America's mass-shootings:

   "We argue about which solutions are right, but all the 
solutions are part of the solution. We are in a mental health crisis; it's not a right-wing talking point. We need more hospitalizations and more hospitals.

   "We do need red-flag laws so that those who are potentially harmful to themselves or others have their guns taken. We do need deep national background checks, and let judges adjudicate disputes. 
We do have to help the single mother who knows her son is a ticking time bomb - she needs a better response than, 'There's nothing we can do until he hurts someone.'

   "We should try banning assault weapons. I don't care if we don't have statistics proving it will help - do it anyway, as a crisis measure; do it for 10 years and see if it helps.

   "If the National Rifle Association were wise, it would be supple [compliant] now, in crisis. If the president were wise, he'd look to the country and put distance between the NRA and himself. If Democrats were wise they wouldn't turn this into a game." 

   "I want so badly to tie this back to the old songs and their confidently asserted values. I can't. There's no nice song about people scared for their kids and afraid for their country." 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Slower Than Speeding Bullets   
   Safety legislation, that is.

   Suppose a teen was expelled from school, fights with others, is fascinated with weapons, mistreats animals, writes threatening thoughts online, and has had mental health treatment. Police were called to his home multiple times. 

   That's seven red flags right there. Authorities knew him well, and did nothing about his firearms. 

   Only after Nikolas Cruz killed 17 students did Florida pass red-flag legislation. Now, authorities can petition a court for a risk-protection order.

   Even before a hearing, the court can issue an order requiring the person to surrender all firearms and ammunition, and prohibit buying or possessing guns. If, after the hearing, the court issues a full risk-protection order, the ban lasts for a year and can be extended in one-year increments. 

   Since 2018, 2,380 orders have been issued. That's one state. Only 13 states have such laws. Cruz's county accounts for the third most orders, 327, among counties. A poll found that 85 percent of Americans favor red-flag laws, most of them "strongly." 

   These orders also result in a modest decline in suicide by gun, probably giving certain troubled individuals more time to rethink their actions. 

   Waiting for Congress? What's your state doing about it?

Tomorrow: Food for thought from Peggy Noonan


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

No angel sighting. So, we continue.

Did the Holocaust Occur?    
   Our state's new education commissioner is more aggressive about enforcing "required instruction" law, especially after stories like this:

   The principal - the PRINCIPAL !!! - of a high school told a parent he could not prove the Holocaust, some 12 million innocent deaths (half of them Jewish) during WWII. 

   Prove it?

   How about visiting some of the preserved sites. Or, checking newspaper files from the time, especially after the Nazis collapsed and secrets were out.

   If that's not convincing, how about thousands of photos taken to "prove" the evidence, precisely to prevent future anti-Semitics from white-washing history. Or, films of old Walter Cronkite documentaries. Or, interviewing descendants of survivors who surely learned first-hand about atrocities. Or, American GIs who freed and fed survivors after guards fled.

   How about interviewing survivors themselves? And German guards. There must be a few still living. The principal wouldn't even need to leave the U.S. to meet some participants. Mercy!  

No Law Assures Obedience   

   We favor strong background checks - not just arrest records - in all 50 states. Interviews, social media, etc. Something like an FBI check for security clearance, or access to children. 

   We might outlaw military-style weapons, especially sales in unregulated gun shows. Good grief! An imposition for sure. 

   Never, ever disarm lawful citizens, enabling government employees to assert unconstitutional power. 

   But here's the problem: A friend of the Dayton killer told agents that about 10 weeks before the attack he bought the body armor, a gun accessory and a 100-round magazine. He helped assemble the AR-15 and kept all this in his apartment to keep Mr. Betts' parents in the dark, until his friend (now deceased) came back for them. But he didn't know Betts was going to shoot up a crowd.  Really? How would a strong background check uncover this plot? 




Tuesday, August 13, 2019

For Such a Time     
   If an angel appeared and permitted us just one more blog, this might be my parting gift to you. It was my time of hell on earth.  

   People I thought most needed me were beyond my reach. Many choices were on the table, but we chose to take our complaint straight to God. If he was even real...?  

   Without revealing himself, he had me confessing every sinful act or thought that came to mind, from youth onward. A month of sleepless nights went by. And another. Then the Lord somehow made these and other verses pop off the pages of Psalms, as if they were written just for me:
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and have sorrow in my heart?
The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.
Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry for help come to you.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble.
In my distress I called to the Lord. From his temple he heard my cry.
   One evening, without advance notice or human counselors, he flooded my soul with warmth and joy. For three weeks. We gladly would have traded the rest of our life for five more minutes of his Spirit's wonderful presence.

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O Lord, supported me.
I will exalt you, O Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths.
You turned my wailing into dancing; you clothed me with joy.
   My license plate holder says, Jesus Is Lord.        He is absolute Truth! 


Monday, August 12, 2019

Wow, Are We Popular!     
   An unknown company wants to buy our home for 35 percent less than appraised value.

   Subaru wants to sell us a new car.

   Another unknown company wants to sell us auto insurance for just $378.92 over six months.

   State Farm wants us to add another authorized user to our credit card. We don't run debts and pay interest. Maybe another user would. They can only hope.

   AAA has teamed up with "the industry's best" so we can vacation more and worry less.

   Good Housekeeping has "50 school supplies your kids will find insanely useful." What a choice of words. Is an AR-15 one of the 50 supplies?  

   Finally, Microsoft has rewards for us to earn. Wow! 

If I Am...
   If I am the leader of China, Russia, North Korea or Iran, I'm not about to enter a deal with President Trump until I see who wins the 2020 election...if then.    

   Make a note. 



Sunday, August 11, 2019

Who Do We Trust?
Evolutionists or God?
"As the new heavens and the new earth that I make 
will endure before me," declares the Lord, 
"so will your name and descendants endure." 

"From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, 
all mankind will come and bow down before me," says the Lord. 

"And they will go out and look upon the dead bodies 
of those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, 
nor will their fire be quenched, 
and they will be loathsome to all mankind." 

Isaiah 66:22-24