Thursday, May 9, 2019

All Quiet on the Southern Front   

   Our first hurricane of 2019 came through this week, and it isn't even the season.

   Her name is Callie, age 4, a delightful - most of the time - great granddaughter. Smart too. She knew exactly what to do during her first visit to a real beach: collect sea shells and wade in the ocean with her grandma.

   They are traveling back to Ohio. Meanwhile, her grandpa quickly discovered our computer problem. Last Sunday's storm disabled the USB port for the keyboard connector. Switching to a different port...all systems go. 

   He said we were lucky the damage wasn't more severe.

   We would like to summarize world news during our off time, but it's too depressing. Cyclones, genocides, gunmen, persecution...

   Turkey is building a wall to keep out militant groups from Syria. We thought walls were immoral.

   With nothing better to do, British media is preoccupied with how black the new royal baby is, or should be considered.

   Finally, for every wealthy Italian woman in a silver Audi, it takes four Tibetan antelopes to make one shahtoosh scarf. Global demand for the $20,000 item has wiped out 90 percent of the Tibetan antelope population. 

   And you've been told America is the source of all world problems.


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