Saturday, May 4, 2019

   Remember The Little House on the Prairie?   
   This is, The Farm House on the Hill.   
   Life before Internet and texting.   
Saturday News
Nancy Is Expecting 

Dear Nancy and William

   I am hoping to call you tonight but I'll write anyway. I am real anxious to hear what the Dr. said last night.

   Your chair sounds very pretty. I'll give it a workout. 

   There was a toy lady here yesterday, she had some real cute things. I may take on a toy project for the parsonage fund. The stuffed animals and baby toys are so sweet. I would probably be my best customer. Jane already figured out what to get if it's a boy. 

   I haven't found any more good articles if I do I'll send them.

   Why don't you ask Wanda about the dresses? She has some and I'm sure she could use a few more since you are so anxious to get rid of them. Aunt Nellie put mine way down in the cedar chest after you were born. I guess she figured I wouldn't need them anymore, but I fooled her!  

   I just know we will go in the night, oh well, traffic shouldn't be so bad then. Don't forget to send the name of the hospital. I might get excited and forget it so I want it written down. 

   All the livestock is fine. Spunky is growing so fast, in fact I gave up, he is too much for me. I don't like being upset out there when I go to feed him, he gets too anxious. 

   M.A. got a cute shirtwaist dress yesterday. Jane is going today for bras and what have you. She baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday & did real well. Waiting for the phone to ring.
                                                 Love, Mother

Next Saturday: Orders from Headquarters

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