Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How Could She?      
   A Chicago woman is charged with strangling a pregnant woman and cutting her infant from her womb. The victim's body was found in a garbage can in the woman's backyard. 

   There's more. Her daughter, 24, is also charged with murder, and the daughter's boyfriend, 40, with concealment of a homicide.

   The woman called 911, saying her newborn was not breathing. No kidding! We don't have the latest, but the baby was not expected to survive.

   Chicago's police superintendent said, "Words cannot express how disgusting and thoroughly disturbing these allegations are."  

   The victim's husband said through a Spanish interpreter, "We plead to God that he gives us our child because that is a blessing that my wife left for us."

   God said, "You shall not murder."

   Did any of this trio know or fear God? Or, "Love your neighbor as yourself?" 

   Paul wrote in Romans about men (women inferred), "who did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God. He gave them over to "depraved minds...wickedness, evil, greed, envy, murder, deceit, malice, senseless, heartless and ruthless." 

   Blame the demons. Blame the political, educational, legal and social forces opposing the influence of faith. Blame the few pastors and priests who give people an excuse not to believe. Blame Adam and Eve. Expect daily news to get worse.  

   Human passion can step over any commandment.

   Before disgusting and disturbing happens, the Way is repentance, forgiveness, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. He is the power given for us to overcome ourselves, and the devil.


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