Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Arming Teachers    

   Our governor will sign legislation permitting volunteers among school teachers to be armed in school. Specifics will be worked out, but for sure they will undergo many hours of training.

   Following are opinions from nine teachers in the Tampa Bay area. We don't know that this sample represents the whole:

Woman: We are only asking for a common-sense approach and proven measures like hardening our schools and hiring sworn law enforcement. Since when do we recruit teachers to do the work of law enforcement?

Woman: There's not one teacher I've spoken to that wants this program. We're in this because we love kids and we love to teach. Our suggestions have gone not listened to. Now you're telling us to go shoot the kids.

Man: Teachers have so much on their plates. In addition to curriculum, we're counselors, sometimes fill-in parents, friends. To pile on another role is not very realistic.

Woman: Give teachers either paintball guns or let's use training guns, because...a rubber bullet will stop a kid or a gunman and it's not lethal. Nobody comes into teaching to shoot a kid.

Woman: I would have no problem stepping in front of a bullet, but I would have a problem murdering someone.

Man: I'm retired military. It just makes sense for teachers like myself who are credentialed. One armed officer - it's not enough to protect 1,000 kids.

Woman: I do not believe that guns are the answer. We need to reach the kids and have more mental health care.

Woman: I think arming teachers is by far one of the worst ideas. It will, without a doubt, bring more uncertainty and risks.

Man: At some point, students are going to start losing trust...not knowing which teachers are carrying and which aren't.

   What do you think?


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