Monday, February 27, 2023

Times of Refreshing 

Acts chapter 3

     You may have seen on TV or otherwise heard about the two week "revival" at Asbury University in Kentucky. Students and professors experienced the presence of God, around the clock. Others travelled from other states to take part. 

     Cedarville University in Ohio and possibly other schools had or are having similar "revivals." Cedarville students (14) felt compelled to witness and pray with students at Michigan State University.  

     We conclude these are "times of refreshing." Acts 3:18-26, Peter addressed onlookers after the crippled beggar was healed. The Lord was speaking through Peter, who wouldn't have known this information. Years later, the Lord repeated Peter's remarks for Luke to write, for history. 

     Just because "it was a long time ago" doesn't mean it isn't important today. 

(C) Moses: "The Lord your God will raise up a prophet like me" (Deut. 18:18-19).

1. Moses was anointed by the Spirit (Nu. 11:17). The Spirit of the Lord was on Jesus (Luke 4:18-19).

2. God used Moses to initiate the old covenant. Jesus brought in the new covenant. 

3. Moses led Israel out of Egypt and established the covenant relationship with God. Christ redeemed his people from sin and satanic bondage and established a living relationship whereby people might enter the very presence of God. 

4. Moses in OT laws referred to the sacrifice of a lamb to bring redemption. Christ himself became the Lamb of God to give salvation to all who accept him.

5. Moses pointed to the law and the obligation of God's people to obey its commands in order to receive God's blessing. Christ pointed to himself and the Holy Spirit as the way to fulfill his will and receive God's blessing and eternal life.

Tomorrow: Resurrection of the dead?

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