Friday, February 3, 2023

Future Shock 


     What's to come of this? 

1. Old values of social engagement are being overthrown. Old virtues - modesty, reserve, respect for authority, etc. - start to look like signs of repression. 

2.  Sexual exhibitionism and the destruction of traditional mores becomes a central part of cultural transformation. For the progressive, this much reach early into childhood. Children will be taught to express themselves sexually because that - in cultural assumptions - is actually who they are. Families with children cheering at pride rallies is a narrative of the modern self. The modern world thinks kids are born sexualized. They merely need to be helped to realize that. 

3.  Cultural principles such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion will become increasingly vulnerable. Once the self (believes) happiness is an inner sense of contentment, words become weapons. To refuse to use someone's preferred pronouns is to refuse to acknowledge them for who they think they are. Such refusals will be regarded as an assault on their person. 

     This will lead to further difficulties because not all identities are compatible...for example the vocal Christian and the outspoken drag queen. Somebody will have to decide whom to recognize and whom to silence. Radical individual freedom fosters intolerant and sometimes totalitarian policies in the workplace and society at large. 

     The good news? It is built on a myth. We are not born free, but radically dependent on others and subject to nature and her God.

     The bad news? Strangeness has a logic to it. Grasping that logic is surely the first step to mounting a thoughtful response. 

Carl Trueman, Grove City College

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