Thursday, February 23, 2023

A New Beginning 

     It is still dark. Men who had plotted "official" murder - still asleep. The man who made it official - likewise. Men who had done the beating and hanging - likewise. Two men who buried him according to Jewish customs - asleep. Men who had trusted in their "teacher" were asleep, or too troubled to sleep. 

      Then there was Mary, determined to be there at daybreak, the morning after the Sabbath. The tomb was empty! No guards. 

     In panic she ran to find Peter and John - who arrived first but hesitated. Peter charged in. Then John saw the burial cloth folded, and now the first to believe his eyes.   

     That's 1.

     They returned to their homes, but Mary stayed, tears running down her cheeks. A man asked her, ""Woman, why are you crying?" She assumed he was the gardener. Then the risen Christ said, Mary. 

     That's 2. 

Acts Chapter 1       (C) > commentary.

     Soon, the other 10 disciples believed who they saw and touched. Jewish themselves, they locked their doors for "fear of the Jews." 

     That's 12.

     Jesus told Thomas, Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. The number kept rising. The disciples asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" A reasonable question. 

     "He said to them, It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive - what's the word? - Power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses ... to the ends of the earth."

(C)  We are born degenerate, but responding to the gospel, we are regenerated, spiritually alive, our spirit in communion with the Spirit of God. 

       Belief by faith replaces belief by sight. But faith can produce results. Christ will indeed restore the kingdom to Israel. But first, he offers the Spirit in power to add believers by the hundreds, thousands, millions and...? His offer of eternal life involves human make oneself available to the Holy Spirit, commit to God's will, and pray. 

Tomorrow: Harvest of souls


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