Wednesday, February 15, 2023


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     The original gospel was good news for Israel, and ultimately for the world. 

     In Isaiah, chapters 40-66, there is a messenger - "your God" - and great promises. In chapter 52, the gospel is not about heaven and the afterlife, but a new creation and renewal of all things. 

     Inspired writings speak of a Messiah, a great king like David, who will overpower unrighteous rulers and...

We interrupt this blog to bring you breaking news.

A revival has broken out at Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. 

For several days students overflow the auditorium, many on their knees.

One boy brought a mattress so he can stay the night. Classes were cancelled. 

They talk of "utter peace, body and mind. Gentle. Sweet. Serene. Still."

A busy professor, Jason Vickers, meant to visit for only 10 minutes.

He says, "the impression will last the remainder of my lifetime."

                    Goggle Asbury Seminary to find this report, with photos.                                 Jason Vickers is a friend of my high school classmate and friend. 


     A woman broke into a men's-only dinner hosted by a Pharisee. Her tears fell on Jesus' feet, and she wiped them with her hair. She anointed his feet with expensive perfume, kissing them. Jesus forgave her.      (Luke chapter 7)

     Some 500 people interacted with Jesus following his resurrection. He told them, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 

     Surely, I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.

     Then he left them

Tomorrow: this means war 

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