Friday, February 17, 2023


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     God spent centuries introducing himself to mankind, primarily through Abraham and his descendants. He also had words for Israel's ungodly neighbors. 

     Time came for God to take the battle to the ends of the earth. First, Jesus, the Son, demonstrated spiritual authority in confrontation. He sent his 12 disciples among fellow Jews - not to Gentiles or neighboring Samaritans. (Matthew chap. 10 and Luke chap. 9)  

     They were not to take any money or extra clothing, like sheep among wolves. They would rely on the Holy Spirit to drive out demons, heal disease, even raise the dead. And they would teach that the Kingdom of heaven is near - not yet here. At the judgment, hearers who rejected their message would be worse off than Sodom and Gomorrah.

     Next, Jesus appointed 72 to travel in twos (Luke chap. 10). They would visit towns ahead of Jesus. As with the 12, they took no purse or spare clothes. They too would heal and teach that the Kingdom is near - not yet hereHe that listens to you, listens to me, Jesus said. He who rejects you rejects me and him who sent me. 

     The 72 returned with joy, telling Jesus "Even demons submit to us in your name." He replied, Do not rejoice that spirits submit to you, but that your names are written in heaven. 

     Fast forward - the arrest. The trial. Whipping. The cross. Burial. The Resurrection. Day of Pentecost, a holy day. Jews from other nations are here. The Holy Spirit pours out in fullness.

The Kingdom is here!

     "Onward Christian soldiers! With the cross of Jesus. Christ ... leads against the foe. We are one in hope and doctrine, one in charity." 

     "Neither male nor female, Jew nor Gentile, rich nor poor, slave nor free." And we add: neither catholic nor protestant. 

 Tomorrow: The bridge from old to new

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