Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Rot Within

     A report by House Judiciary Committee Republicans says the problem lies with the FBI structure that centralizes high-profile cases in D.C., in the hands of politicized actors. "Quite simply, the problem - the rot within the FBI - festers in and proceeds from Washington." 

     "Christopher Wray disagrees. He says all is well within the FBI. But the agency's history has never been squeaky clean. 

     "In 1975, Congress limited future FBI directors to a 10-year term. In 1992 an FBI sniper shot and killed the wife (holding her baby) of a separatist the FBI was trying to arrest. A year later, the FBI was in a 51-day standoff with members of a cult, resulting in a fire that killed 50 adults and 25 children. 

     "Recent enforcement seems to suggest a return to such tactics, and recent targets seem more political. Not that political views mattered to most agents. But that may not last much longer. 'The generation of agents that grew up under Freeh and saw all these changes under Mueller and Comey - we could not wait to get out,' said retired agent Jim Long. 

     "FBI managers have begun policing agents' personal politics. Two agents attended Trump's speech on Jan. 6, 2021 - on their own time - and did not go to the Capitol afterward. Still, the FBI withdrew their security clearances...a convenient and effective way to punish agents. 

     "A lost clearance is lost for 12 years, and the bureau has to approve everywhere you get a job. The FBI handles its own security clearances. There's an appeal process, but the people who authorize a removal are the same people who do the appeal.

 Tomorrow: Conclusion - no sign of change


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