Thursday, February 9, 2023

Crossing the Line

     "The FBI's investigation into links between Russia and Trump's 2016 campaign, Crossfire Hurricane, crossed the line. 

     "DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz reported how agents failed to follow the most basic procedures and misled the FISA Court. Then there was Trump's security advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn. According to the Heritage Foundation, two FBI agents interviewed him, finding nothing wrong. Then FBI agent Peter Strzok, their supervisor, edited their summaries, which were used to prosecute Flynn for supposedly lying. The general went broke defending himself. 

     "The FBI has prosecuted nearly 1,000 people connected to the January 6, 2021 scramble at the Capitol. According to a House whistleblower report, "The manipulative case-file practice creates false and misleading crime statistics. Capitol, FBI and DOJ officials claim significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States.

     "Whistleblowers say the FBI is cooking the books. There were definitely people in that group who...are dangerous. The majority were mere trespassers. 

     "A whistleblower believes strong congressional oversight and protections for whistleblowers are needed. Authority should be returned to field offices, where agents are tied in with a local community. A dozen or so more pro-life activists were arrested. The FBI shows no signs of curbing splashy enforcement actions against soft targets made for television - and the party in power." 

How many agencies are there in Washinton? 

Could all of them be quietly cooking books?


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