Friday, February 24, 2023

Beginning of God's Harvest 

Acts chapter 2

     It was Pentecost, the harvest festival. "God-fearing Jews from every nation" gathered together to celebrate. They were soon to be schooled in harvesting souls. 

     "A sound like a violent wind came from heaven. They saw tongues of fire coming to rest on each of them." God had their attention, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. 

     "Repent and be baptized (in water) in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, for all whom the Lord our God will call." (vv. 38-39) 

(C) > commentary 

     Thus began the fulfillment of God's promise in Joel 2:28-29, to pour out his Spirit on all people. The last days of the age (our age) had begun, and all would be confronted with a decision concerning repentance and belief.

       The Holy Spirit, giving glory to Christ, strives for the salvation of people in every nation. Those who received the Spirit's baptism were filled with the same longing. The Lord's (uneducated) disciples became ministers of the Spirit. They preached Jesus-crucified and resurrected, leading others to repentance and faith.   

       Followers became successors to Christ's earthly ministry. Peter, now under the influence of the Spirit, quoted Joel and assured the gathering this was authentic. 

       Christian converts separate from evil companions, forsake the ungodly world, unite with Christ and his people, and give themselves to God's work.  

Monday: Acts 3, Times of refreshing


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