Monday, February 13, 2023


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     What got into you, Jim?      Why commentary on the Book of Acts?     That was a long time ago.        We receive the Spirit when we're baptized, right?    We don't want false Christs and false teachers deceiving us (Mark 13:22).        So how about we forgo the spiritual business and be satisfied with what we know? 


     Much of my life, I was right there. Being a Christian meant attending church on Sundays. Then, about age 48, my world crashed. Loved ones were hurt and I couldn't help them. I questioned God's existence. For two months I prayed like crazy, repented of every no-no that came to mind, and lost much sleep. People in the office tolerated me. 

     Still hurting one evening, God suddenly flooded me with presence. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. This lasted three weeks. The office noticed. I realized it was the Holy Spirit - representing Jesus and the Father. Weeks later, he silently slipped seven words into my mind: "I have reserved her for your wife."  

     That was about four hours after Marge and I had met, 36 years ago today, February 13. (I didn't plan this time coincidence.) I sure wasn't looking for a wife.     

     Jesus is who - not what - got into me. If the Holy Spirit will do that for nobody/somebody like me, what might he do for you? Or through you ___________? 

     God says, "a thousand years are like a day." Two millenniums are not a long time ago. My Mom remembered Holy Spirit presence in her teens. Where has he been lately? 

Tomorrow: Our priority, and the unpardonable sin

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