Monday, May 2, 2022

Wise Men, no;  God, yes 

     World events, or the absence of normal events, can be amazing. Extraordinary. But natural.

     Only a divine agency - see Genesis 3:5 - can do the supernatural in our natural world. 

     The Lord has performed miracles since the first day: Let there be light. He parted the sea, took Elijah alive into heaven, and made the sun stand still (or paused the earth's rotation?) 

     In the book of Daniel, God gives the king a nightmare. When Nebuchadnezzar awakes, he remembers it in great detail. (Can we do that?) He is so distressed, he's ready to cut his wise men to pieces unless they can interpret. 

     Daniel prays. God reveals the dream. Daniel tells the king, There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. Then he interprets. 

     The sleeping king had seen an enormous statue. The head was gold; its arms, silver; its belly and thighs bronze; its legs iron, and feet were partly iron and partly baked clay. 

     Then a rock struck the statue and everything broke into tiny pieces which a wind swept away. 

     Nebuchadnezzar is the head of gold. The feet are partly strong, partly brittle. The mixture of people will not be united. 

     The rock is the kingdom of God, which will crush all kingdoms of man  and endure forever. Daniel finishes, The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. 

     Nebuchadnezzar is so overwhelmed, he falls prostrate before Daniel. And he gives him a promotion. 

     [The kingdoms in order: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, which morphed into all successor nations ... the iron and clay. Guess what, friends: We live in the age of feet and toes.] 

Tomorrow: Worship the image, or burn


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