Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Who Knew?   

     People of Bethlehem may not have expected the crowning glory of this birth. Israel's leaders knew prophecies. Messiah, yes! Born human......? 

     Centuries earlier, God told his prophet Isaiah, in Jerusalem, that there would be a virgin with child. He will be called Immanuel (Hebrew), meaning God with us. v. 7:14. 

     Micah, Isaiah's contemporary, living in a farming area, also heard from God: But you, Bethlehem, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times (eternity). - v. 5:2 

Let's back up, nine months

     Miracles abound. A priest named Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth had no children, and were along in years. While Zechariah was on duty in the temple, an angel visited him - that's 1 - explaining that they would have a special son, to be named John - that's 2. When old Zechariah questioned this possibility, the angel silenced his speech - that's 3.

     Later, after Gabriel finished informing Mary, she hurried off to Judea, to visit Elizabeth, her relative. At Mary's greeting, the baby "leaped" in Elizabeth's womb - that's 4 - and she was filled with the Holy Spirit - that's 5. Then Mary prophesies - that's 6. 

     A few months later, old Elizabeth gives birth. Her neighbors and relatives share her joy. They expect the boy to be named after his father. Mother says no. It will be John. 

     They ask Zechariah. He takes a tablet and writes, "His name is John." Immediately his tongue is loosed - that's 7, and he prophesies - that's 8.

Tomorrow: Father introduces Son

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