Saturday, May 21, 2022

 A Word About Monday's Chapter 

We pause today from miracles

to preview Monday's surprise.

     Remember who God touched the night of the newborn king of the Jews. It wasn't Caesar, Herod, Roman soldiers or Pharisees. 

     His angels appeared in the night sky and announced God's gift to mankind. They spoke to shepherds, probably the lowest "class" of people in the land. Okay, that was miraculous.

     Weeks or even months later, God still wasn't speaking to Caesar, Herod, Roman soldiers or Pharisees. He informed Magi (wise men) from the east about the child. He even provided a "star" to guide them. Okay, that too was miraculous. AAA maps hadn't been invented. 

     Herod finally learned about this "king," - not from God - but from the Magi who inquired of his whereabouts. 

     This Monday - the disciple John's report of Jesus, of Jewish birth, meeting a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. She is living a sinful life. Jews are not supposed to converse with Samaritans, an intermixed people. Jesus shouldn't even be in Samaria. 

     He doesn't address Caesar, Herod, Roman soldiers or Pharisees. 

     He tells this ordinary woman about living water, and how God seeks "true worshipers, those who worship the Father in spirit and truth." 

     Then he responds to her next comment with a stunning revelation. 

     Times are changing. 


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