Thursday, May 5, 2022

 Feeding the Cats  

     Exile Daniel, now under Darius, maybe the fourth king he has served in Babylon, has been promoted. He is one of only three administrators over the entire Medo-Persian empire. Better yet, Darius had planned to set Daniel the Jew over the whole kingdom! 

     This was too much for native elites, who sabotaged the deal. They knew a way to trick the unsuspecting king into executing Daniel, who didn't have a lawyer. 

     Darius fell for it, and against his will had to watch his trusted servant thrown into a den of lions. His last words to Daniel: "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you." 

     God had a miracle in mind, once again to demonstrate to people that he is Most Holy God with power unknown to mankind. 

     The king couldn't enjoy entertainment, or even sleep that night. The next morning, he rushed to the den and called out, "Daniel, servant of the living God..." 

     Daniel replied, "O king, live forever! My God sent his angel and he shut the mouths of the lions..." 

     Overjoyed, Darius rounded up the conspirators, their wives and children, and ordered them thrown to the lions, whose mouths opened wide. Poor kids. 

     It may seem like Daniel experienced a miracle every other day. But he lived in Babylon for decades, and we assume most of his days were normal. This era in Babylonia was a turning point in biblical history and prophecy.   

     Daniel dreams of four beasts (chapter 7), similar to Nebuchadnezzar's dream of future empires. This vision included truth beyond his time, later seen in Revelation chapters 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 20. 

     He also wrote of seeing visions of the "Ancient of Days" and the antichrist. Continued next week. 

Tomorrow: Ezekiel 28 - before the beginning! 


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