Breathtaking Discovery
The Sabbath over, Mary goes to the tomb with spices. The stone is already rolled away. She panics. Brings back Peter and John.
They see strips of linen and the burial cloth. They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.
The disciples leave, but Mary remains, crying. She sees two angels, seated in the tomb. They ask, "Woman, why are you crying?" "They have taken my Lord away!"
Mary turns around and sees someone. Repeating the angels' question, the man adds, Who is it you are looking for? She begins asking for his help, when Jesus decides the suspense has lasted long enough.
"Rabboni!" (Teacher), she cries out in Aramaic.
Jesus tells her to go tell my brothers.
That evening, the disciples are still not sure about Mary's report: "I have seen the Lord." They huddle with doors locked for fear of the Jews.
Jesus appears, Peace be with you.
He shows them his injured hands and side (though he is now in his resurrected form). As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit.
The disciples are overjoyed.
He will remain on earth for 40 days, preparing his followers to carry the gospel - the good news - to the world.
One morning eight disciples have caught no fish, all night in their boat. Someone on shore calls out to them, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some."
There were so many fish they couldn't haul in the net. "It is the Lord!" John exclaims. Exuberant Peter jumps off the boat and swims to shore.
Tomorrow: the objective