Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Water Heals   

     You didn't get much more important in those days than an army commander. Naaman served under the king of Aram. Poor man had a lousy case of leprosy.

     The king sent Naaman on a journey to Israel where - so they had heard - there was a man who heals. Naaman was accustomed to dealing with big shots. And he brought money to pay for his healing. 

     So, he was angry when Elisha, the healer, refused to see him face to face. He sent his servant out to tell Naaman to wash himself seven times in the Jordan River. 

     "No way," he must have said. He demanded to see the healer himself, and anyway, Assyria had better water than this dumpy river. 

     Naaman headed toward home in a huff, but his servant begged him to give the Jordan a chance. What could it hurt? Well, the commander was desperate. He followed Elisha's order, and was restored. 

     God had a higher purpose. Happy Naaman concluded, "Now I know there is no God except in Israel." We bet he took that truth back to where he came from. 

     Oh, yes. The doctor bill. Elisha refused to take Naaman's money. 

     On another occasion, Elisha threw a stick into the Jordan and an ax head they needed floated to the surface. What a river! Or stick! 

     You probably thought a wiser Aram was friendly now. Nope. They surrounded the army. His servant was fearful, so Elisha assured him,  "Those who are with us are more than those with them."

     God opened the servant's eyes to see the hills full of horses and chariots of fire. Elisha prayed, and the Lord struck the Arameans blind.

     Elisha led them to Samaria where the Lord opened their eyes. Elisha asked God to spare them. He gave them food and water, and Aram chose peace. 

Tomorrow: The Darkest Hour

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