Monday, April 18, 2022

 Was it Too Much?

     The scariest part (walking at night between two vertical walls of ocean) now behind them, Israelites shuffle into Arabia

NOTE: Following victory over Egypt in 1973, Israel had opportunity to scour the entire Sinai Peninsula. There is no evidence of the exodus. Mountainous terrain would not have accommodated people and their animals anyway. Google Earth backs this up.  

     The location of the miracle crossing has been confirmed. And two daring men flew to Saudi Arabia thanks to a friendly contact. They found and climbed the real Mt. Sinai while a Saudi army unit exercised behind the mountain, unawares. They took pictures of features described in Exodus chapters 19, 32 and 33.

      Unfortunately, a suspicious Arab (they know this is the "mountain of God" and no one dares touch it) forced them into a city. The men escaped on a flight with only a few of their photo rolls. (my sister has copies)        

     Back to the exodus. They're thirsty, and bitter water turns sweet. More complaints. Manna and quail rain down. 

     God tells Moses to take his staff and strike a rock formation. Out flows water for people and animals. (That spot is known, also)

     Imagine if God helped AAA magnify their travel packages.

     In the third month after leaving Egypt, not far from his recent homeland, Moses climbed Mt. Sinai to meet with God. And there was thunder, lightning, cloud, trumpet blast, fire, smoke - and did we mention - earthquake? 

     Miracles to get their attention. Miracles to produce holy fear. 

     God promised they would be a "holy nation," if they obey me fully and keep my covenant. They did not. 

     These people with little if any contact with God over 400 years had much to learn before they entered the Promised Land. Laws and property and responsibility and justice and festivals and offerings and lampstands and altars and garments and sacrifices and money and oil and regulations and "do nots" and tribal camps and special days including the Sabbath...

     Was it too much? 

     Tired of manna, they wished for their Egyptian diet - fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. 

      God wished to lead them into the Promised Land. He told Moses to send scouts into Canaan for 40 days. Ten of the 12 came back with such a negative report that the people once again clamored to go back to familiar Egypt. 

Tomorrow: Forty years for forty days


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