Wednesday, April 6, 2022

8th in the series

Truth     <  Belief  >     Falsehood 

   Guide me in your truth and teach me... David, in Psalm 25:5

   Redeem me, God of truth... David, in Psalm 31:5 

   Truthful lips endure forever... Proverbs 12:19 

   I the Lord speak the truth... in Isaiah 45:19 

   Speak the truth to each other... Zechariah 8:16

   I tell you the truth... Jesus, in Matthew 5:18 and many others 

   the only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth

        ... John 1:14

   God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth

        ... Jesus, in John 4:24

   when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth 

        ... Jesus, in John 16:13 

   The wrath of who suppress the truth

        ... Romans 1:18 

   Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist

        ... Ephesians 6:14

   God...who wants all come to the knowledge of truth

        ... 1 Timothy 2:4 

   (Men) will turn their ears away from truth... 2 Timothy 4:4 

   Whoever knows God...this is how we recognize the Spirit of truth

        ... 1 John 4:6 

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